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Faizan Rashid, Head of Operational Improvements

Faizan Rashid

Passionate about shaping the future of Minster and Jewson Civils Frazer (JCF), Faizan Rashid has achieved great success during his six years in the business. Progressing rapidly from Minster Branch Manager to a national role as Head of Operational Improvements, Faizan’s intuition, commitment and approachable nature has ensured his career has flourished. Here, he talks about the opportunities he’s encountered and the support he’s received.

Faizan begins: “My journey in Saint-Gobain started back in 2016 and I haven’t looked back since. Commercially, it’s been an exciting time for both Minster and JCF. Alongside the pandemic, there have been masses of opportunities to navigate and changes to impose and I’ve found it really rewarding.”

He continues: “Initially I joined the business as Branch Manager at Minster Royston, before being promoted to Regional Operations Director of London & South East for Minster and JCF and moving across to the same position in the Midlands & North. Throughout that time growth in all areas has been my main driver; commercially, in terms of increasing the number of branches, turnover and profits we achieve as well as personally, through my own progression and improving my management and people skills.”

While the pandemic may have generated previously unchartered challenges, the collaboration and dedication shown by the entire Minster and JCF teams bolstered Faizan’s approach. “Against a backdrop of supply and construction challenges, we continued to successfully manage the merger of Jewson Civils with Frazer as well as create a number of new multi-branded sites. Even during the best trading periods, such major strategic changes trigger operational challenges but the pandemic heightened this even further. The level of support and camaraderie amongst the team was incredible during this time and as a result we were able to showcase our collective and individual potential and achieve real success as one team.”

Faizan’s strategic skills and abilities were evident throughout this challenging time, leading to his recent promotion to Head of Operational Improvements. In this role, Faizan will be responsible for helping to shape the operational structure of both Minster and Jewson Civils Frazer, as well as its people.

“I’m really excited about my new role and the part I will play in developing Minster and JCF. We have a wealth of exciting opportunities in front of us and the capacity to introduce new systems and procedures will enhance our operations and ability to best serve our customers.

To conclude, Faizan adds: “Helping others to achieve their potential really excites me. I’ve experienced an amazing level of support and mentorship from the senior leadership team during my career so far and I enjoy doing the same for others. Both Minster and Jewson Civils Frazer are experiencing strong growth and as a result, there are lots of opportunities for individuals to progress in their careers. I believe organisational culture plays a huge factor in the success of your career and Saint-Gobain is a great example of how you can thrive in a supportive workplace.”

Connect with Faizan Rashid

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